Thursday, 30 September 2010

Kindle 3: A Geek's Perspective

My girlie bagged a Kindle 3 the other day. Said she needed more books, but when I flat-out refused to sacrifice any more guitar space to add to the shelves (3 large ones and counting), she settled on this as a compromise.

She loves it - it's small, sleek, and means she can keep bothering my Facebook feed with quotes from the Raven.

As for me?

Sunday, 19 September 2010

Razer Lachesis Review

Product Name: Razer Lachesis Wraith Red
Price at time of purchase: 69.99 (Direct from Razer)

Calm yerself down! This isn't a review of the new one with the fancy Tri-Colour LED, but it'll do. As I gather, the actual internal workings of both models are identical, aside from the higher DPI available on the newer revision, so this review will still hold water.

Razer are a company that have been making gaming mice for so long now, they must struggle for names. There are only so many snakes in the world. A quick Google of the word "Lachesis" tells me that Lachesis was the second of the three Greek Fates. But, this being Razer, I'm sure they were referring to the rather handsome pitvipers commonly known as Bushmasters. Wonderful.

Do you actually need £800 of hardware in a Mini-ITX build?

This was the topic that kicked it all off!

We were checking Anandtech's review of the AVADirect Nano Gaming Cube, and thought "Hang on, we could do that sort of design!"

So, with our usual aplomb, we dived straight in to checking out the hardware situation.

Our builds came out with a couple of similarities, such as opting to go for Intel's Core i3 processors over anything more substantial or slower, 4GB of Corsair DDR3 and using a Samsung Spinpoint F3 1TB drive with a DVD drive, but that's where it all ended.

Hello Will

Greetings, internet people!

An introduction is indeed a good idea, so here goes.

I am Joe, 19 until October, and then I will be an immature adult. Hooray! I am attempting to get my butt into journalism, preferably relating to computer hardware, or guitars and music technology.

As my good buddy Will mentioned, I am also a musician (in case you didn't get that from the last paragraph) and am continually churning out metal.

And I am team cats. Go cats! I'm also team CATS, because all your base are belong to him.

This blog will be used to post our thoughts on modern gaming and computer hardware news, as well as abstract discussions on various topics, such as "Do you actually need £800 of hardware in a Mini-ITX build?" and "WHAT YOU SAY!"

In conclusion, I am Joe, a.k.a. sleepygamer.

Stay classy, San Diego.

Hello World

I never thought I'd see the day when I was starting up a blog, instead of just reading one. My, how times have changed...

And now I have no idea what to say. Bugger.

Suppose an introduction is as good as any!

I'm Will, 22 (but not for long!), and in between dropping out of degree courses, I'm a computer enthusiast. Which is nice.

What's that, I hear you cry? Another identical blog about hardware, and how X is better than Y, and how I like cats? Well, no, maybe, and no.

Firstly, I (and my partner in crime) are musicians! So, there'll be jaunty japes about guitars, rock etc. Hopefully in the future, this blog will get a couple more members, and we can pool our collective resources in to something beautiful.

Second point - this is not a hardware comparison site. Alongside the usual X vs Y, we'll hopefully be providing the what-ifs and grand philosophical questions behind our kind, and provoking thought!

Third, I'm mildly allergic. Go dogs!

Anyway, I've waffled on for too long, so I'll let go for now, and hopefully catch you in the next update!

Will (MaverickWill)